Sujet: Random ∆ Oh, I may be on the side of the angels. Lun 31 Déc - 20:08
Rudyard Random Aaron Halloway
❝ But don’t think for one second that I am one of them. ❞
à savoir
17 ans • 20 octobre • 162 points de QI • londonnais • à wh depuis deux jours • shape • écouter la pulsation de son cœur • 172 centimètres • blond • yeux marrons • mince • spécialité escrime
Koukou o/ Ahem. Pour petit Random, tous les liens sont permis. Surtout des liens tordus, des camarades de jeu, des autres liens un peu plus fous, comme vous voulez ! Faites vous plaisir et n'hésitez pas à donner vos idées & un petit descriptif de votre perso ♥
Dernière édition par Random le Mar 1 Jan - 4:30, édité 4 fois
Sujet: Re: Random ∆ Oh, I may be on the side of the angels. Lun 31 Déc - 20:10
Avec son attitude de gamine puérile et sa foi pourtant intacte, Muse, c'est un phénomène.
Hello. Are you ready for the story? This is the story of Sir Boast-a-lot. Sir Boast-a-lot was the bravest and cleverest knight at the round table, but soon the other knights began to grow tired of his stories about how brave he was and how many dragons he'd slain, and some of them began to wonder, "Are Sir Boast-a-lot's stories even true?" Oh no. So, one of the knights went to King Arthur and said, "I don't believe Sir Boast-a-lot's stories. He's just a big, old liar who makes things up to make himself look good." And then, even the king began to wonder, but that wasn't the end of Sir Boast-a-lot's problems. No. That wasn't the final problem. The end.
Hello. Are you ready for the story? This is the story of Sir Boast-a-lot. Sir Boast-a-lot was the bravest and cleverest knight at the round table, but soon the other knights began to grow tired of his stories about how brave he was and how many dragons he'd slain, and some of them began to wonder, "Are Sir Boast-a-lot's stories even true?" Oh no. So, one of the knights went to King Arthur and said, "I don't believe Sir Boast-a-lot's stories. He's just a big, old liar who makes things up to make himself look good." And then, even the king began to wonder, but that wasn't the end of Sir Boast-a-lot's problems. No. That wasn't the final problem. The end.
Elle a des cheveux blonds, de longs cheveux blonds, des belles boucles dorées. Elle a du vernis sur les ongles, elle en a de plein de couleurs différentes. Elle a surtout cette jeunesse insouciante et presque folle, cette provocante et grisante énergie. C'est une fille. Ou non, c'est une adolescente. C'est Seventeen. Elle et Random se ressemblent, un peu, beaucoup, à la folie, pas du tout. Ils jouent à se séduire, se rejetant et s'attirant, comme des adolescents qu'ils sont, qui testent les limites et se jouent des interdits. Ce n'est pas sérieux. C'est juste histoire de. Non ?
Hello. Are you ready for the story? This is the story of Sir Boast-a-lot. Sir Boast-a-lot was the bravest and cleverest knight at the round table, but soon the other knights began to grow tired of his stories about how brave he was and how many dragons he'd slain, and some of them began to wonder, "Are Sir Boast-a-lot's stories even true?" Oh no. So, one of the knights went to King Arthur and said, "I don't believe Sir Boast-a-lot's stories. He's just a big, old liar who makes things up to make himself look good." And then, even the king began to wonder, but that wasn't the end of Sir Boast-a-lot's problems. No. That wasn't the final problem. The end.
Hello. Are you ready for the story? This is the story of Sir Boast-a-lot. Sir Boast-a-lot was the bravest and cleverest knight at the round table, but soon the other knights began to grow tired of his stories about how brave he was and how many dragons he'd slain, and some of them began to wonder, "Are Sir Boast-a-lot's stories even true?" Oh no. So, one of the knights went to King Arthur and said, "I don't believe Sir Boast-a-lot's stories. He's just a big, old liar who makes things up to make himself look good." And then, even the king began to wonder, but that wasn't the end of Sir Boast-a-lot's problems. No. That wasn't the final problem. The end.
Dernière édition par Random le Sam 9 Mar - 1:09, édité 5 fois
Sujet: Re: Random ∆ Oh, I may be on the side of the angels. Lun 31 Déc - 20:37
Sujet: Re: Random ∆ Oh, I may be on the side of the angels. Lun 31 Déc - 21:40
Owiiii, je veux un lieeeeeeeeeeeeen *A* (pas d'idées en particulier, je verrais ça plus tard >w>)
Sujet: Re: Random ∆ Oh, I may be on the side of the angels. Mar 1 Jan - 12:24
Moi moi un lien avec mes trois filles (Gigi, Lily, Muse et même Abbey tant qu'on y est...ce qui nous fait quatre) Par contre j'ai pas d'idée donc je reviendrais plus tard. Je te nem ma hobbite favorite ♥
Sujet: Re: Random ∆ Oh, I may be on the side of the angels. Mer 2 Jan - 1:52
Sujet: Re: Random ∆ Oh, I may be on the side of the angels. Mer 6 Mar - 15:48
Blop je reviens comme une fleur pour te demander si tu serais intéressée par un flirt (voir plus) entre Muse et Random ? Pour faire court si tu connais pas Muse >> word diabétique croisée avec une pile électrique, musicienne et artiste fétarde à l'âme d'enfant, uruguayenne jurant comme une charretière qui se définit aussi comme une croyante totalement impulsive et quelque peu frivole. Une chieuse immature (j'aime charrier mes perso/meurt) Bon voiloù j'imaginais bien un flirt ou une relation sans grande importance du genre on s'amuse on déconne on n'est jeune youpi o/ T'en penses quoi mon hobbit ?
Sujet: Re: Random ∆ Oh, I may be on the side of the angels. Ven 8 Mar - 18:23
(désolée du retard ghfdjbn ;;)
Je dis oui. (j'essaie un truc dès que possible owi *____*)
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Sujet: Re: Random ∆ Oh, I may be on the side of the angels.